Karatina University held a preliminary meeting with Chehe CFA at the Town Annex boardroom, School of Business on 11th January, 2021. The meeting started at 10am to 11.45 am.
The meeting was in response to a request by Chehe CFA to partner with KarU on environmental conservation, research and income generating activities. Chehe CFA representative, Ms. Tabitha Gichere introduced their Association, listing the specific activities that they are involved in and highlighting the areas of cooperation that may be supported by KarU. It was agreed upon that the two institutions would collaborate in fish farming, bee keeping, water bottling, development of an eco-friendly ‘jiko’ and ecotourism (after conducting a feasibility study). Another meeting is scheduled in February 2021 to agree on a work plan that will guide the two teams on actualizing the agreed components of collaboration.
Karatina University
Chehe CFA