Consultative Forum Between Karatina University (KarU) And Mukurwe-Ini Wakulima Dairy Limited. (MWDL) Production Teams

On 11th December, 2020, MWDL Production team visited Karatina University, to hold a consultative meeting with a team from Karatina University, as convened by the Director, University-Industry Linkage, working closely with Directorate of Research, Innovation and Extension.

The meeting came in the wake of Innovative products, which Mukurwe-ini Wakulima Dairy Ltd. had developed and recently launched coffee-flavoured yoghurt in partnership with Dedan Kimathi University of Technology. On this basis, the meeting was convened to discuss:

  1. Possible collaboration and dairy products that Mukurwe-ini Wakulima Dairy Ltd. can develop in partnership with Karatina University

  2. Conduct of research on the possibility of extending the shelf life of their milk from the current 30-35 days to 45 days or so.

  3. Develop other products as required to strengthen the partnership for the mutual benefit of both parties.  

In response to the concerns raised by Mukurwe-ini Wakulima Dairy Ltd. team, the University team welcomed the idea and proposed:

  1. That the MWDL team drafts exactly what they wanted done by KarU

  2. That the initial research possibility of developing purple tea-flavoured yoghurt would be a starting point for KarU after consultation with KarU management

  3. That there would be a follow-up meeting in January after the presentation of the request by MWDL to the KarU team who will prepare it accordingly and present the same to the Management of KarU